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1565210cookie-checkDual Gear Beta Backer Date Set To Go Live On January 29th, 2020

Dual Gear Beta Backer Date Set To Go Live On January 29th, 2020

Finally, backers and mecha goers will be able to play Dual Gear soon. The play-date scheduled for beta and alpha backers is set to go live on January 29th, 2020. In other words, the indie game that has been in development for a while will have a test version later this month, followed by an Early Access run sometime in March for PC.

Firstly, and I think I should point this out, Orbital Speed Studio has decided to change the beta version from only “alpha and beta backers” to “all backers.” This means whatever tier that you have backed, you will gain access to the January 29th Beta Backer test — through key distribution.

The reasoning behind this move is so that the devs can give backers and fans an updated version of the game to play while receiving feedback to improve Dual Gear before its official release.

All of the above information can be found on

Moreover, alpha and beta backers that have the alpha version installed (via Steam) will get the new update automatically, which means there’s no need for a new beta key — unless you’re somewhat new and in need of one.

In addition to the above, Dual Gear will update automatically until the final version becomes available. After that, backers will get an update bringing new missions and features leading up to the Steam Early Access launch due out in March.

Despite the Indiegogo campaign being closed and all contributions have automatically ended on December 31st, 2019, all information is still active, and backers are still entitled to their respective rewards/tiers.

Finally, the official website will gain a makeover that will also bring along with it new information about the game and what players can expect from the mecha turn-based title.

If you want to learn more about Dual Gear, you can hit up for additional info.

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