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1426220cookie-checkZenith, Comedy ARPG Set For Release On PS4, Steam

Zenith, Comedy ARPG Set For Release On PS4, Steam

BadLand Games and Infinigon recently released a trailer and some info for their upcoming action-RPG, Zenith. The game sees players taking on the role of a veteran mage who is called back into action after some pesky teenage heroes attempt to get their hands on a dangerous artifact.

Argus ends up teaming up with another adventurer as he attempts to set the wrongs right, and prevent disaster from befalling the land.

Marc Lopez, co-founder of Infinigon, commented in the press release about what the game brings to the table for PC and PS4 gamers, as well as how they plan on parodying classic ARPG tropes for a modern age…

“The writing in Zenith brings a modern sensibility to classic ARPG tropes – allowing the player to have fun and make fun of them at the same time,” “Whether you grew up playing Final Fantasy or The Legend of Zelda, you’ll find something to love in the wacky world of Zenith.”

The gameplay looks solid. You get to see how it all comes together in the trailer below.

Dropping F-bombs in the trailer? Edgy.

The trailer shows that the game is also set to arrive on the Xbox One, but the press release doesn’t seem to make any mention whatsoever of Microsoft’s console. Instead, it focuses basically on the boxed copy set to arrive on the PC and the digital download for the PlayStation 4.

The game doesn’t hold back in taking pot-shots at JRPGs with their “spiky-haired” protagonists. The game itself will feature various unlockable special abilities, tactical isometric combat, and more than 25 hours of hack-and-slash action and magic abilities.

The trailer doesn’t really put a whole lot of effort into showcasing the actual gameplay but it’s chock full of snark and sarcasm, so maybe that’ll make up for it.

You can look for the game to launch soon for the PS4 and PC. No date has been set for the Xbox One version of the game. For more info you can head to the official website.

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