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1428332cookie-checkBest Forza Horizon 3 Cheats Let You Add Infinite Credits, XP
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Best Forza Horizon 3 Cheats Let You Add Infinite Credits, XP

A series of Forza Horizon 3 Cheats have been made available through the most recent trainer for the game. After releasing on the Xbox One and Windows 10, PC gamers have the option of gaming the system courtesy of a little help from a cheat trainer.

Cheat Happens managed to post up a new trainer that you can download, which includes eight different cheat options for gamers to manipulate.

The eight cheats that are included in the trainer are listed below:

Add Credits

Add XP

Super Acceleration

Super Brakes


The trainer arrived shortly after Forza Horizon 3 launched for Windows 10 and Xbox One.

The cheats could definitely disrupt some of the online multiplayer given that the game lets you play with others online. Things like adding credits and XP will only benefit a single player… yeah, it’s still cheating but it’s just making the cheater’s profile better, and the only people who should care about that are the people whose profile is being made better

Of course, other cheats like freeze opponents and forcing opponents to spinout are a lot more egregious, given that as you’re playing online you could really make the lives of other players… unpleasant.

That’s not to mention that adding automatic jumping to the equation will also likely make a lot of other players pissed off. One thing that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me is the save and reload position. It essentially works like a teleporter, but there’s already a rewind feature in the game, so I don’t understand why you would need a teleport when you can already rewind? Maybe it serves a slightly different function.

Nevertheless, you can still grab the cheat trainer from over on Cheats Happen or you can get a free alternative without registration from over on Mr. Antifun. There are supposedly anti-cheat measures in place for Forza Horizon 3, but that’s not going to stop cheaters from cheating.

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