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1516950cookie-checkStar Citizen Still Has Plenty Of Issues To Fix Before Alpha 3.0 Is Ready For PTU

Star Citizen Still Has Plenty Of Issues To Fix Before Alpha 3.0 Is Ready For PTU

Each week Roberts Space Industries pops out a new Around The Verse video to highlight the progress on the closed tested version of alpha 3.0 and how far away it is from finally rolling out into the PTU for Star Citizen backers.

During this week’s Burn Down segment, they noted that they had 17 issues from last week, but they’ve been working really hard to fix the kiosks, commodities and shops across the universe. You can check out the full half hour episode below.

One of the bugs they needed to fix was a try-on bug where players attempting to try on clothes at the kiosks would have their clothes hidden under their flightsuit, while a separate bug also made it where the player character would try on an outfit but all their clothes would disappear.

The cargo bugs have been fixed; and they also ran into an issue with players being able to examine objects in a display case but they would walk through the cases themselves. They found the problem and had to work with the art team and engineer team to come up with a solution so that players can examine items in the display counters without worrying about moving through the counters themselves.

They managed to fix a quantum drive bug, fix up some performance-related bugs so that alpha 3.0 doesn’t crash and burn as frequently as it does, and they managed to knock down the must-fix issues for the next major outing of alpha 3.0 down to 15 issues.

Of course, there hundreds of other tasks to fix, improve, update and upgrade before alpha 3.0 goes public.

The rest of the video covers how they put together CitizenCon for this year in Frankfurt, Germany. For people who don’t really care about that, they also updated the schedule report over on the RSI website.

There are still about 37 issues left in total that they need to round out before all of the issues – both major and minor – are resolved before alpha 3.0 will be ripe and ready for release.

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