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1519890cookie-checkRTS Builder Video Covers Brief Overview Of Tools And Functions

RTS Builder Video Covers Brief Overview Of Tools And Functions

Alien Invader’s RTS Builder is slowly coming along in development. The project sees players being able to build their very own real-time strategy game. The latest video updated by the developer of the project covers a brief overview of loading assets into the builder and setting up some of the basic structural elements to get your game off the ground.

The video runs for just a minute and a half and starts off by showcasing the builder window, which consists of a basic GUI with the tool functions on the left and the main operations window in the center of the screen.

The video goes through each of the tools and what sort of role they play in building your very own real-time strategy game. You can check it out below.

As mentioned in the video, the toolset is still in the beta version, so there’s obviously still a lot of work to be done when it comes to the functionality of the builder as well as its presentation.

However, as you can see, it’s possible to build your own graphics and image assets, and then import them into the builder, apply the tiles, setup the functions for the units, bases and buildings, and then compile it into a working real-time strategy game.

You can also give each unit or base an ability or special attribute to utilize during combat. Buildings can also carry out specific tasks, so that they can be utilized in strategic ways to maximize what role you would have them to play in resource management.

The beta is currently available to download right now from over on the page.

The beta is pretty tiny, clocking in at just 49MB. A lot of the structure and design will be left up to creative-minded gamers who have a penchant for designing assets and being able to logically structure how an RTS game plays out.

If you’ve been itching for the kind of RTS games that many studios don’t make anymore, you can build your own with RTS Builder. You can learn more by hitting up the page.

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