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1544750cookie-checkOpen Discussion: May 27th, 2018

Open Discussion: May 27th, 2018

The last May Open Discussion is here for you. If you don’t know, this series is all about discussing old, current and new things to hit different entertainment mediums. You can post anything that you like about video games, movies, and TV shows and will face no censorship when doing so. This series of discussions changes every week, but mainly focuses on video game culture.

That’s right, every Sunday a new Open Discussion appears on this very site and explores a variety of scenarios within and sometimes outside video game culture. In other words, this includes technology, interactive entertainment, politics and more.

Furthermore, if a comment of yours has disappeared and cannot be seen by other commenters, please do let us know so that we can address the situation and restore your comment back. Additionally, like any other post on this site, no form of censorship is actuated, which means that you can talk about anything without facing any problems.

With that said, this Open Discussion is about egregious actions and if voting with your wallet, speaking out against these things, or staying silent actually works. In other words, when a company, person or game reflects something controversial do you think voting with your wallet works? Additionally, do you think speaking out against these actions and using facts work, or do you think letting a situation work itself out is better?

like every other Open Discussion, you don’t have to stay on topic. You can bring up other stuff if you want to, but if you do want to stay on topic and give your take on when an unethical practice emerges, do you believe voting with your wallet, speaking out against these practices, or staying silent actually works?

As of course, content unrelated to this very topic can be shared without being moved to another section or taken down.

This week’s music selection comes from the Sega CD rendition of Echo The Dolphin. Feel free to share your favorite music this week in the comment’s section.

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