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Industry News

Capcom Reportedly Wants To Awaken Dormant IPs

I bet every fan wants it, and that is to see Capcom faithfully revisit older intellectual properties (IPs) that are thought to be dead or dormant. Well, that wish may come true according to the company’s recent financial report.

To put things in context, back on December 29th and 30th, 2017, Capcom showed interest in making new games based on two older titles under its portfolio. The two games happen to be that of Dino Crisis, and Onimusha.

During 2018, Capcom’s investor report sees the long-running company answering questions, and one of the many queries revolves around the likelihood of “other remakes.”

Capcom responded with the following:

“Further, regarding remakes and re-releases of titles in our back catalog, we expect to explore these further with a variety of properties as a part of our strategy to utilize our library of IP.”

Fast forward to late June 2019, and we learn from website via an interview with Capcom’s managing corporate officer, Ryozo Tsujimoto, that among remakes and re-releases there will be new games and franchises to come moving forward:

“We’re not giving up on the idea of creating new characters and series, it’s just we’re doing quite well at the moment with bringing new, fresh approaches to our existing series.”

Tsujimoto continued and tells the website the following information:

“That’s working out very well for us [bringing new approaches to existing series] but we’ll never take our eye off creating original games in the future.”

As of now, website looked over Capcom’s integrated report for 2019 and found three interesting bullet points. The first goal is to strengthen digital sales, while the second step is to increase the length of support for existing titles, and thirdly to “awaken dormant intellectual properties.” The quote from the publication site lies below:

“The most exciting bit for fans though is Capcom’s three-point plan for the future, which is to 1. strengthen digital sales, 2. increase the length of support for existing titles, and 3. ‘awaken dormant intellectual properties’.”

Ever since 2017, Capcom has been dropping hints that they want to explore older IPs, but they didn’t have the development staff to do so and wanted to see more requests from gamers and fans alike.

Well, it looks like they’re getting around to filling positions on deck and have enough fan interest to move along with dormant IPs rising sometime in 2020 and beyond, as well as creating wholly new games.

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